Saturday, April 21, 2007


The recent events at Virginia Tech are very troubling. Not because 32 people were killed. Not because the 23 year old student took his own life. Not because of the traumatic event that unfolded. Not even because of the media's sensationalistic coverage of it all. The most troubling thing about the whole event is that no one is asking the tough question. What is amazing about this question is that it is so simple. ARE WE SAFE? Can we be protected from such events? Society demands protection for all its' citizens from all forms of danger. But, what if the danger is ourselves? Our insatiable thirst for money, power, sex and fame have brought us to this point. Disassociation from everything. Narcissistic views. Are video games to blame? Is it the media's fault? I believe it is the lack of parenting in the homes. There are to many broken homes. Economic factors have forced both parents into the workforce leaving others to raise and teach our children. Day care, schools, churches, neighbors, anyone can raise them. Our children are growing up without any forms of discipline. Teachers cannot punish them for fear of their job. Parents cannot punish them for fear of child services. As a result our children grow up with no real repercussions of their actions other than detention and groundings. Video games, television, movies and the media desensitize our youth to violence and sex. People are objects to be manipulated and played with like some sort of game. Yes, it is the hardest thing to do, but we must as a society look in the mirror. WE ARE TO BLAME. We must make the changes necessary for the future of our children, our planet, and our way of life. I fear if we do not, things will only continue to get worse. Are we safe? Simply, no.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. After all there is no better punishment or awareness of consequences than self conscience. This, unfortunately, can only come from morals, and these, in turn, can only come from proper (not necessarily wealthy) upbringing. Only self awareness of consequences can prevent actions such as this.